June 23, 2014

Creating a new part in an assembly:

To add (and create) a part “on the fly” while in the assy: select the New part Icon, , then select the assembly (in the Model Tree) that the component (new part) will be added, enter the new part number in the pop-up window, Answer No to the following question: “Do you want to define a new origin point for a new part” (this assures that the new part being created will also come in “rigged” [i.e. in position relative to the common csys]).

Note: to start working on the part within the assembly: expand the  sign next to component (to see the part underneath it) in the Tree, double click on the indentured part (to enter into Part mode); the  PartBody should be the “Defined in Work Object” (i.e. underlined).  To continue making a part see Part (Running example 2).

Double-click on the assy (enters into Assembly Mode for that assembly) that you want to add the new sub-assembly to, click on the Product  icon, select the parent assembly again if it asks you to, type in the new part number.

            Adding non “rigged” Components (aligned with other geometry):
            Replace Component

Use “Existing Component” icon: , select the assembly in the Tree that the component will be added, select component from pop-up window, Open.

See Assembly Constraints Icon group if further constraining (aligning of parts) is required.

Adding non “rigged” Components (parts that need to be aligned with other geometry): Use “Existing Component with Positioning” icon: , select the assembly in the Tree that the component will be added, select component from pop-up window, Open (a new window will open; use same View Orientation controls [i.e. zoom, pan…] in either graphics window), select a constraint type from the “Quick Constraint” menu, follow element selections similar to that for Smart Move.  A  branch will appear in the Tree which will hold the component’s constraints.
Back to File, Save As

Right-click on the component (in the Tree), Components, Replace Component*, browse to location of the “new” file and select it, Open, consider and answer the “yes or no” question (Do you want to replace all of the instances of the selected element ? [select No if you want to only replace the one you picked and not all]), OK.

Note: Finding parts per Search example can be very helpful (when replacing components) to assure that all of a part’s/component’s “Instance names” (under Properties) are representing the new part.

*or you may select Replace Component In Session (if the replacement part is already in session and you desire a convenient list of only the parts that are in session).

            Manipulation Parameters window
            Snap icon (align without constraints)
            Smart Move (align components with multiple constraints)

-Before initiating the move, whose top indentured components you want to move, the assembly must be highlighted blue and in Design Mode. :

Note 1: Some “best practices” avoid constraining their components and instead prefer creating & assembling parts/assemblies per the Adding commonly “rigged” Components method.
Note 2: Consider using an associative approach by using the Constraints Icon group (Assembly) for an alternative to the Move icon group.  The constraints method would maintain an associative link between the components.
Note 3: Recommended to check external relationships of the component to be moved first to see if other parts would follow it in the reposition.  Do this by utilizing the Dependencies under the Analysis pull-down menu.

-To activate the assembly, whose top indentured components you want to move, double click on it until it remains highlighted blue. Single-click on another component to un-highlight the assembly to see that it remains highlighted blue.

Select the Manipulation  icon, select the “Drag along any axis”  icon, select an edge that will represent the direction axis, select the component to move in the graphics window, left-click and drag (hold down left mouse button as you move cursor) to desired position,  press OK to accept final position.

Snap icon :
Double click on the assembly (which is the parent of the component to be moved) to activate it.  Select the Snap icon, follow the directions in the bottom left of the graphics window (will define what you should be selecting).

Smart Move  (align components with multiple constraints):
Select the Smart Move icon, check on the “Automatic constraint creation” box, select a constraint type from the “Quick Constraint” menu, select an element on the first component (e.g. point, line or plane), select a similar element on the 2nd component, click on arrow to flip (or somewhere else to finish 1st constraint), repeat to create 2nd and 3rd constraint (if more than one constraint is required for proper orientation).

-Make sure that the part and assembly is in Design Mode.
Click (or right-click) on the Instance (in the Tree) to be copied, Copy (Ctrl-C), select the sub-assy (in the same Model Tree) that the part/component will be copied to, click (or right-click), Paste (Ctrl-V).  If you wanted to move instead of copy: right-click on the original, Delete; or just Cut (Ctrl-X) instead of Copy.  If you are Pasting (Ctrl-V) multiple copies you will have to select the copied Instances after each Paste.
-Review the conversation in Moving an instance with the Compass to consider your assembly choices.

Double click on the component to make sure it’s activated, right click on the component, filename.1 object >, “Open in new window”.
Access the other in session models at the bottom of the Window pull-down menu.

            Define Multi Instantiation (Patterning components)
            Fast Multi Instantiation

See Assemblies for applicable “Product Structure Tools” applications.

Define Multi Instantiation (Patterning components)
-If the part that the component will be interfacing with was Patterned (e.g. Rectangular Pattern) then use: Reuse Pattern instead since it keeps an associated link to the part’s pattern and will populate the part’s pattern (with the component) automatically.
-Before starting make sure that the desired assembly (that will be populated with the new copies) is highlighted blue (double click until it remains blue) and any components that will be selecting is in Design Mode.

Select the Define Multi Instantiation icon , enter the number of additional copies of the component in the “New instance(s)” field, enter the spacing between copies in the Spacing field, In the “Reference Direction” section define the move direction by selecting an existing edge, select the component to copy (this will populate the “Component to Instantiate” field), toggle the Reverse button until desired direction is found, keep the “Define As Defualt” radio button checked, press OK or Apply.
-If the same exact spacing is to be applied again use Fast Multi Instantiation which utilizes the last “Define Multi Instantiation”.

Fast Multi Instantiation (uses the last “Define Multi Instantiation” settings [as long as the “Define As Defualt” radio button was selected]).
Select the Fast Multi Instantiation  icon, select the component to be patterned copied.  The selected component will be copied per the last Define Multi Instantiation definition.

Select the Graph Tree Reordering  icon, enlarge the window by dragging the corners (if desired), highlight the component to be reordered, select the up or down arrow to move the component to the new location in the Tree.  Use the Graph Tree Reordering icon to order your components in alpha-numeric order.

Retrieving latest components (while they are in session):
If you added components from the server (files are in more than one directory) you can retrieve the most up to date versions by replacing them by the same procedure as in Repairing a component’s broken links.  This is helpful when other people are updating their files while you have their components in session.

Unload Components (Erases component from memory).
Right-click on component, Components, Unload
Sometimes the best way to Load the part back is to close down Catia and restart session.
See Repairing a component’s broken links to Load the part back (Links…Replace or Load).
Back to File, Save As

File, Desk: Black files are Unloaded; Red files weren’t found
-To leave the Desk: File, Close (or leave it open and access it from the Windows pull-down menu).
-Familiarize yourself with the right-click menus in Desk.  The menu includes the option to Open any model.
-Red components are components that can’t be found.  Hopefully you can avoid these red components (by using Save Management or Replace Component).  But if you do get a red component in Desk simply do the following: Right-click on these red components and select  Find, browse to the new location of the file.  Even if an error window pops up the component should become loaded (and turn white).  Save the assembly, close it and reopen to make sure there are no more disconnects (no more red components in Desk).

Note: To show latest information close (File, Close) the Desk and reopen.  To force a component to turn red (if you removed the part while the assy was in session): right-click, select Unload (the component should turn red).

See Links for more information.
Back to Rename

Drawings (a brief look)
            Intro to Drawings
Views (Drawing Views)

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