December 25, 2013

MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – I ( BE Mechanical Engineering 3 sem syllabus )


Subject Title   :           Manufacturing  Technology - 1
Subject Code    :        M
Hours Per Week        : 04                                 Hours Per Semester           :           64


Major Topics
Hours Allotted
Weightage of Marks
Materials for manufacturing
Metal casting process
Mechanical working of metals

Advanced welding process

Press work
Industry Institute Interaction
Tests & Revision


General Objectives :

On completion of the course the students should be able to:
1.  Understand the various materials used in manufacturing of the products.
2.  Understand the metal casting techniques used in manufacturing
3.  Understand the concepts of forging, its types & importance in manufacturing
4.  Understand the various mechanical working processes of metals
5.  Understand the various advanced welding methods & applications
6.  Understand the basic press work practices, machines & applications
7.  Understand the basic working of lathe, its operations & applications
8.  Understand the basic working of drilling machines, its operations & applications


1.0  Materials for manufacturing
1.1      Manufacturing
1.2      Ferrous and non-ferrous materials.
1.3      Heat treatment
1.4      Carbon Equilibrium diagram
1.5      Review of heat treatment processes
1.6      Advanced materials used in manufacturing
1.7      Ceramics
             1.8      Polymers
1.9      Plastics
1.10    Composite materials

2.0      Metal casting process
2.1       Introduction to metal casting
2.2       Casting: steps involved in casting
2.3       Pattern for casting
2.4       Pattern making materials
2.5       Pattern Types & allowances
2.6       Moulding- Moulding sands-Moulding process
2.7       Special casting processes - Die casting, Centrifugal casting & Investment casting.
2.8       Defects in casting and their remedies
3.0       Forging
3.1       Introduction
3.2       Presses & Hammers
3.3       Forging Processes
3.4       Forging operations
3.5       Defects in forging and their remedies
4.0      Mechanical working of metals
4.1       Introduction
4.2       Comparison of cold working and hot working
4.3       Rolling-Types of rolling mills
            4.4       Hot working-Advantages and limitations
            4.5       Cold working-Advantages and limitations, Types of cold working process
5.0       Advanced welding processes
5.1       Introduction.
5.2       Classification of welding process
5.3       Resistance welding - Spot, Seam and Projection welding
5.4       Advanced  Arc welding types-Shielded metal arc welding, TIG & MIG welding,
            Submerged arc welding, Plasma arc welding & Laser beam welding.
5.5       Defects in welding and their remedies
6.0       Press work
6.1       Introduction.
6.2       Presses-Types-Power press
6.3       Press operations: Cutting, bending, drawing, punching, blanking & notching,
6.4       Die sets-Types-Accessories
7.0    Lathe
7.1       Introduction to lathe.
7.2       Classification of lathes -specification of lathe
7.3       Constructional features of Engine lathe
7.4       Lathe attachments, accessories & work holding devices
7.4       Lathe operations
7.5       Taper turning and thread cutting.
7.6       Machining parameters-cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time
7.7       Capstan and Turret lathe-Description-comparison with engine lathe
8.0       Drilling machine
            8.1       Introduction
8.2       Classification of drilling machines
8.3       Radial drilling machine-working-drilling operations
8.4       Twist drill nomenclature
8.5       Machining parameters-cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time


1.1       Define Manufacturing
1.2       List the different ferrous & non ferrous materials used in manufacturing & Applications.
1.3       State the purpose of heat treatment
1.4       Explain Iron carbon equilibrium diagram
1.5       Review the heat treatment process
1.6       List the advanced materials used in manufacturing.
1.7       State the general properties and applications of ceramic materials
1.8       State the general properties and applications of polymers
1.9       Explain Thermo plastic and Thermo setting plastics
1.10     State the general properties and applications of composite materials
2.1       Explain Casting
2.2       Explain the basic steps involved in casting process
2.3       Define pattern and explain its importance in metal casting
2.4       List the different pattern making materials
2.5       Explain the different pattern making allowances
2.6       Describe briefly different types of patterns
2.7       Explain molding
2.8       List the different types of sands involved in molding process
2.9       Explain the Molding processes - Sand molding, Pit molding, machine molding & Shell molding.
2.10     Explain the Special casting processes - die casting, centrifugal casting & Investment casting.
            2.11     State the defects in casting
3.0       FORGING
            3.1       Explain the importance of forging.
3.2       List the different types of Presses and hammers in forging
3.3       Explain forging process - Drop forging, Upset forging, Die forging  & press forging.
3.4       Explain Forging operations- Closed die Forging operation, Fullering, Edging, Bending,
            Blocking & Finishing.
3.5       List the Forging defects and its remedies.
            4.1       Explain mechanical working of metals.
            4.2       Differentiate cold working with hot working.                                              
4.3       Sketch and describe the working principle of rolling,
4.4       Explain briefly the rolling mills- Two high, Three high, Four high, Universal & Planetary
           rolling mills
            4.5       State advantages and limitations of hot working.
            4.6       List various cold working processes
            4.7       State advantages and limitations of cold working.
5.1       Classification of welding process
5.2       Explain Resistance welding - Spot, Seam and Projection welding
5.3       Explain shielded metal arc welding
5.4       Explain TIG & MIG welding
5.5       Explain submerged arc welding
5.6       Explain the Plasma arc welding
5.7       Explain the Laser beam welding
5.8       List the welding defects and remedies

6.0       PRESS WORK
6.1       Introduction
            6.2       List the different types of presses
6.3       Explain the working of power press
6.4       Explain the press operations: Cutting, bending, drawing, punching, blanking, notching,
6.5       Identify different types of die sets
6.6       Describe various die accessories
7.0    LATHE
7.1       Explain about lathe
7.2       List the different types of lathe with classification
            7.2       Specify the size of a lathe
7.3       Draw the line diagram of the lathe, label its parts & brief working of lathe
7.4       List the lathe attachments, accessories & work holding devices
7.4       Explain various operations performed in lathe-turning, taper turning, knurling & thread cutting
7.5       Explain thread cutting procedure.
7.6       Define cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time
7.6       Explain Capstan and Turret lathe with sketch & Identify difference between them.
7.7       Compare Capstan / Turret and Engine lathe.
7.8       Simple problems.
8.1       Introduction
8.2       List out different types of drilling machines.
8.3       Explain different parts of radial drilling machine with sketch
8.4       Explain different operations performed in a drilling machine- drilling, reaming, tapping,
            counter boring & counter sinking.
8.5       Draw a twist drill & label its parts
8.6       Define cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and machining time.
8.7       Simple problems.

1)      Workshop Technology by Hazara choudary VOL - I & VOL – II.
2)      Production Technology by Dr.P.C.Sharma., S Chand & Co
3)      Workshop technology by B.S.Raghuvamshi
4)      Introduction to Manufacturing Processes ,  P N Rao , Vol 1 & Vol II, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications
5)      Manufacturing Process- I & II & III- By Dr. Radhakrishna K
6)      Production Technology by R.K.Jain.
7)      Manufacturing Technology I & II ,  Dr P C  Sharma , S Chand & Co
8)      Manufacturing Technology  - P P Date , Jaico Publishing House
9)      Foundry Technology –Dr. Radhakrishna.

TIME : THREE HOURS                                                      TOTAL  MARKS : 100
Note : 1)   Section – I  is compulsory .
2)      Answer  any  TWO  FULL  QUESTIONS  FROM  SECTION – II, III  &  IV
3)      Each  Full  Question in  Section II, III  & IV  carries  FIFTEEN  MARKS
4)      Marks are indicated  for questions at right side.

Q – I )    a)   Fill in the blanks with appropriate words                                                                  5X1= 5
                 i)   _________ gas is used in  Metal Inert gas welding.
                 ii)   Draft allowance is allowed in ___________ making.
                iii)   ___________ invented the engine lathe.
                 iv)   ____________  attachment is used for taper turning in lathe.
                    v)   With the help of  _________ treatment metals acquire desired properties.

               b)  State any five manufacturing processes with applications                                                 05

                                                            SECTIO N – II
Q – II )   a)  State the importance of  metal casting .                                                                          03
               b)  Indicate five casting defects & give remedies for each                                                  05
               c)  Explain with neat sketch the Centrifugal Casting process                                              07

Q – III )  a)  Mention the differences between  Open Die & Closed  Die forging                             05
               b)  List at least five forging defects & their remedies                                                          05
               c)  Explain with neat sketch  DIE  FORGING                                                                    05

Q- I V )  a)  State five  general  properties & applications  of  Composite materials                         05
               b)  Explain five pattern making  allowances                                                                        05
               c)  Explain  FULLERING  with a suitable sketch                                                              05

                                                            SECTION - III
Q – V )   a)   Explain with  neat  sketch  TIG  welding  process                                                        06
                b)  Sketch the  POWER  PRESS& label its parts                                                               05
                c)   List the defects in welding                                                                                           04

Q-  VI )   a)   Describe the working principle of  Rolling with a neat sketch                                     06
                b)   Describe any one die accessories with neat sketch                                                       05
                c)   With a suitable sketch explain Three high rolling mill                                                  04

Q-  VII )   a)   Explain with neat sketch  spot  welding                                                                     05
                 b)  Define any five press operations                                                                                  05
                 c)  Mention the advantages & limitations of hot working                                                 05


Q – VIII )  a )  How do you specify  the lathe                                                                                    05
                   b)  Draw a  twist drill & label  its parts clearly                                                                 05
                   c)  Explain briefly the thread cutting procedure on the lathe                                          05

Q- IX )     a)  With a  neat  sketch explain taper turning  by  taper turning attachment .                   06
                 b)  Sketch  & label all the parts of  Radial  Drilling  Machine                                           05
                 c)   Explain the knurling operation                                                                         04

Q- X )      a)  With suitable notations define :
                      i) Cutting Speed   ii)  Feed    iii ) Depth of Cut                                                            06
                 b)  With simple sketches briefly explain :
                      i)  Reaming     ii ) Tapping                                                                                            06
                 c)   Define machining time & mention its units                                                                 03

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