December 25, 2013

FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY (BE Mechanical Engineering 3 sem syllabus)


Subject Title                 :           Fluid Mechanics and Machinery      

Subject Code                :           M-
Hours Per Week          :           04
Hours Per Semester    :           64


Major Topics
Hours Allotted
Weightage of Marks
Fluid statics
Fluid kinematics
Fluid dynamics

Flow through pipes and

Impact of jet on vanes
Hydraulic turbines
Centrifugal pumps
Reciprocating pumps and
Special Purpose Pumps
Industry innovations




At the end of the course, student should be able to…
1.      Understand the basic of fluid mechanics
2.      Understand the basic principles of fluid statics
3.      Understand the basic principle of fluid kinematics
4.      Understand the principles of fluid dynamics and its applications
5.      Understand the principles of fluid flow through pipes
6.      Understand the impact of jet on vanes
7.      Understand the working of hydraulic turbines
8.      Understand the working of Centrifugal Pumps                                                                          
9.      Understand the working of Reciprocating pumps & special purpose pumps

1.0                        Introduction
1.1                Scope of the subject   
1.2                Fluid
1.3                Type of fluid
1.4                Fluid mechanics
1.5                Classification of fluid mechanics
1.6                Statics, kinematics, and dynamics
1.7                Hydraulics
1.8                Ideal and real fluids
1.9                properties of fluids
1.9.1           Definitions - Mass Density, Specific Volume, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity,
                   Viscosity, Kinematics, SI units of viscosity Surface Tension, Capillarity, Compressibility
                    and Bulk   Modulus
1.10                             Fluid pressure
1.10.1              Definition of pressure and units of pressure
1.10.2              Relation between vacuum, absolute and atmospheric pressure
1.10.3              Pressure head of a liquid
1.10.4              Pascal’s law
1.10.5              Pressure measurement and Types of pressure measuring instruments
1.10.6              Manometers –Simple and Differential- Advantages and Limitations
1.10.7             Mechanical gauges-Construction and working of principle of gauges:
Bourdon tube, Diaphragm,
1.10.8              Vacuum gauges

2.0                               Fluid statics
2.1              Definition of total pressure, centre of pressure, Buoyancy, metacentre and metacentric height
2.3              Archimedes’ principle
2.4              Types of Equilibrium of floating bodies
2.5              Stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium

3.0                               Fluid kinematics
3.1                               Types of fluid flow
3.1.1                            Steady and unsteady flow
3.1.2                            Uniform and non-uniform flow
3.1.3                            One, two and three dimensional flow
3.1.4                            Rotational and irrotational flow
3.1.5                            Compressible and in-compressible flow
3.2                               Rate of flow or discharge
3.3                               Continuity equation
3.4                               Simple problems

4.0                               Fluid dynamics
4.1                               Various forms of energy present in fluid flow.
4.1.1                            Pressure energy, Potential energy, Kinetic energy, Total head or total energy.
4.1.2                            Simple problems
4.2                               Bernoulli's equation:
4.2.1                            Statement and equation
4.2.2                            Assumptions
4.2.3                     Simple problems
4.3                               Practical applications pf Bernoulli’s Equation:
4.3.1                            Venturimeter (horizontal only), Flow nozzle, Orifice meter, Pitot’s tube
4.3.2                            Simple problems

5.0                   Flow through pipes                                                              
5.1                   Loss of head in pipes due to friction
5.1.1                Major and minor energy losses
5.1.2                Darcy's formula (without proof)
5.1.3                Chezy's            formula (without proof)
5.2                   Hydraulic Gradient and total energy line
5.3                   syphon
5.4                   Definitions of nozzle and its applications
5.5                   power transmitted thro the nozzle
5.6                   Water hammer in pipes
5.7                   Simple problems

6.0                   Impact of jet on Vanes
6.1                   Force of  jet striking normally on a fixed plate,
6.2                   Force of jet striking on inclined fixed plate.  
6.3                   Force of Jet striking on fixed curved vane.
6.4                   Force of jet on moving flat plate held normal to the jet and work done.
6.5                   Force of jet on moving flat plate held inclined to the jet and work done.
6.6                   Force of jet on moving flat plate fixed on the rim of a wheel,          
6.7                   power and efficiency
6.8                   Problems on the above.
6.9                   Force of jet impinging on moving curved vane.        
7.0                   Hydraulic turbines
7.1                   Scope of the hydraulic turbine
7.1.1                Definition of a turbine
7.1.2                Classification of hydraulic turbine.
7.2                   Impulse turbines
7.2.1                Constructional details and working of a Pelton wheel
(Impulse turbine)
7.2.2                Work done and efficiency of pelton wheel with velocity triangles
(Definition and formulae only)       
7.2.3                Types of heads Gross head Net or effective head- definition and formula
7.2.4                Efficiencies with formula    Hydraulic Efficiency, Mechanical Efficiency, Volumetric Efficiency, Overall Efficiency
7.3          Reaction turbines
7.3.1                Constructional details and working of Kaplan and Francis turbine  
7.3.2                Work done and efficiency of Francis turbine
7.3.3                Use of penstock, Anchor block, surge tank and draft tube
7.3.4                Unit power, unit speed and unit discharge- Specific speed their significance Simple problems.
7.3.5                Performance Characteristics of turbines
7.3.6                Selection of turbines based on specific speed and head of water.
7.3.7                Comparison between impulse and reaction turbines  

8.0                   Centrifugal Pumps                                                                           
8.1                   definition-pumps and centrifugal Pumps
8.1.1         Scope of pumps
8.1.2                Classification of pumps
8.2                   Principle of operation and Constructional details of a centrifugal pump,
8.2.1                Types of casing.                                                                                 
8.3                   Work done by a centrifugal pump
8.4                   Heads of centrifugal pumps
8.5                   Efficiency, Discharge and Power required in a centrifugal pump.
8.6                   Minimum starting speed of a centrifugal pump.
8.7                   Specific speed- formula and definition
8.8                   Simple problems         
8.9                   Priming of centrifugal pump.
8.10                 Cavitations and its effects in centrifugal pump
8.11                 Multistage centrifugal pumps for high heads and for high discharge.          
8.12                 Selection of pumps
8.13                 Operational difficulties in centrifugal pumps

9.0                   Reciprocating pumps
9.1                   Definition of Reciprocating pumps and its applications
9.2                   Types of reciprocating pumps
9.3                   Principle of operation, Constructional details and working
9.4                   Power required to drive a reciprocating pump
9.5                   Slip, Negative slip and co-efficient of discharge in reciprocating pump.
9.6                   Simple problems
9.7                   Air vessels and its functions
9.8                   Comparison between centrifugal and reciprocating pumps
9.9          Special purpose pumps-Construction, working and uses of Submersible pump, Jet pump and Air lift pump

Specific Instructional Objectives

      Understand the basic of fluid mechanics
      Explain scope of the subject
      Define fluid
      Classify fluid
      Define fluid mechanics
      Classify fluid mechanics
      Define statics, kinematics and dynamics
      Define hydraulics
      Differentiate between ideal fluid and real fluid
      Mention various properties of fluids
                  Define density, specific volume, specific gravity and solve simple problems.
      Define viscosity, dynamic viscosity, kinematics viscosity and their units
      Define surface tension, capillarity, compressibility, bulk modulus and their units
                  Define fluid pressure and its units
1.10.1     Explain the difference between absolute pressure, atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure and vacuum pressure
1.10.2              Explain pressure head of a liquid
1.10.3              State Pascal’s law
1.10.4 Classify pressure measuring instruments
1.10.5     Explain simple and differential manometers with sketches and state their advantages and limitations
1.10.6     Explain the construction and working principle of Bourdon tube and diaphragm gauges
1.10.7    Explain briefly vacuum gauges  and mention their types
2.0       Understand the basic principles of fluid statics
2.1       Define total pressure and centre of pressure
2.2       Explain buoyancy, metacentre  and metacentric height
2.3       State Archimedes principle of buoyancy
2.4       State types of equilibrium of floating bodies
2.5       Explain stable, unstable and neutral equilibria
3.0       Understand the basic principle of fluid kinematics
3.1       State types of fluid flow
3.1.1    Define steady flow and unsteady flow
3.1.2    Define uniform flow and non- uniform flow
3.1.3    Define one, two and three dimensional flow
3.1.4    Define rotational and irrotational flow
3.1.5    Define compressible and incompressible flows
3.2       Define rate of flow or discharge
3.3       State law of continuity and explain continuity equation
3.4       Solve simple problems on discharge and law of continuity.
4.0      Understand the principles of fluid dynamics and its applications
4.1      Mention and explain types of head of liquid in motion
4.1.1      Explain potential energy, kinetic energy, pressure energy and total head
4.2      State Bernoulli’s theorem
4.2.1   Explain Bernoulli’s equation (without proof)
4.2.2   State the assumptions made in Bernoulli’s theorem
4.2.3   Solve simple problems on Bernoulli’s theorem
4.3      Mention the practical applications of Bernoulli’s theorem
4.3.1   Explain horizontal venturimeter, flow nozzle, orifice meter and pitot’s tube with
           expressions for discharge
4.3.2   Solve simple problems on the above
5.0         Understand the principles of fluid flow through pipes
5.1                   Define loss of head in pipes due to friction
5.1.1                Mention major energy losses and minor energy losses
5.1.2                State the Darcy- weisbach’s formula (without proof) 
5.1.3                State the chezy’s formula (without proof)
5.2                   Explain Hydraulic gradient and total energy lines
5.3                   Explain principle of working of syphon system
5.4                   Derive an expression for power transmission through pipes
5.4.1         State the condition for maximum transmission of power (without proof)
5.4.2         Explain the maximum efficiency of transmission of power   
5.4.3                Solve simple problems on power transmission through pipes
5.5                   Explain water hammer in pipes
6.0                   Understand the impact of jet on vanes
6.1          Derive an expression for the force of jet exerted on a fixed flat plate held normal to the jet
6.2          Derive an expression for the force of jet exerted on a fixed flat plate held inclined to the jet 
6.3                   Derive an expression for the force of jet exerted on a fixed curved plate
6.4          Derive an expression for the force of jet exerted on a moving flat plate held   normal to the jet
6.5       Derive an expression for the force of jet exerted on a moving flat plate held
inclined to the jet
6.6          Derive an expression for the force of jet exerted on flat plates fixed on the rim of wheel
6.7                   Explain power and efficiency of jet with formulae
6.8                   Solve simple problems on the above
6.9          Draw velocity diagram and explain the jet striking on moving curved vane tangentially at one tip and leaving at the other
7.0                   Understand the working of hydraulic turbines
7.1                   Explain the scope of hydraulic turbines
7.1.1                Define hydraulic turbines
7.1.2                Classify hydraulic turbines
7.2                   Explain working principle of impulse turbine
7.2.1                Describe the construction and explain the working principle of pelton wheel
7.2.2                State the formulae for work done and efficiency pf pelton wheel
7.2.3                State the different types head   Define gross head and state its formula   Define net or effective head and state its formula
7.2.4      State the different types of efficiencies of pelton wheel   Define hydraulic, mechanical, volumetric and overall efficiencies and mention
              their formulae  and solve simple problems 
7.3         Explain the principle of reaction turbines
7.3.1                Describe the construction and working of Francis turbine
7.3.2       Define and state formulae for Work done and efficiency of Francis turbine (with out proof)
7.3.3                Explain penstock, Anchor block, surge tank and draft tube
7.3.4       Define Unit power, unit speed and unit discharge- Specific speed and mention their significance Solve Simple problems.
7.3.5       Explain the following -Performance Characteristics of turbines-main or constant head, operating or constant speed, constant efficiency or Iso efficiency or Muschel curves
7.3.6       Explain criteria for Selection of turbines – viz, based on specific speed and head of water.
7.3.7                Compare impulse and reaction turbines         
8.0                   Understand the working of  Centrifugal Pumps                                                                          
8.1                   Definitions- pumps and centrifugal Pumps
8.1.1         Explain Scope of pumps
8.1.2                Classify pumps
8.2          Explain the Principle of operation and constructional details of a centrifugal pump
8.2.1                Explain types of casing.                                                                                 
8.3                   Define Work done by a centrifugal pump and state the formula without proof
8.4                   State the various Heads of centrifugal pumps
8.5          Explain the Efficiency, Discharge and Power required in a centrifugal pump with formulae.
8.6                   Derive on expression for Minimum starting speed of a centrifugal pump.
8.7                   Define and state the formula of Specific speed
8.8                   Simple problems          on the above
8.9                   Explain Priming of centrifugal pump.
8.10                 Explain cavitation and its effects in centrifugal pump
8.11                 Explain multistage centrifugal pumps for high heads and high discharge and their uses
8.12                 Explain the criteria for Selection of pumps
8.13                 Explain the operational difficulties in centrifugal pumps
9.0                   Understand the working of Reciprocating pumps
9.1                   Definition of Reciprocating pumps and its applications
9.2                   Classify reciprocating pumps
9.3          Explain the Principle of operation, Constructional details and working reciprocating pumps
9.4          Derive on expression for discharge, work done and Power required to drive a reciprocating pump
9.5                   Explain Slip, Negative slip and co-efficient of discharge in reciprocating pump.
9.6                   Solve simple problems            on the above
9.7                   Explain the construction of Air vessel and its functions
9.8                   Differentiate between centrifugal and reciprocating pumps
9.9          Special purpose pumps-Construction, working and uses of submersible pump, Jet pump, Air lift pump

Text Books : 1. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery By R K Hegde & Neeranjan Murthy, Sapna  


1)      Fluid Mechanics and Machinery-BCS Rao-2nd Edn.-Tata McGraw Hill Publ.,2010
2)      Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines-R.K.Bansal-Laxmi Publications(P)Ltd.,New Delhi,2003
3)      Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines-R.K.Rajput-S.Chand and Co., 4th Revised Edn. 2010
4)      Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines-R.S.Khurmi- S.Chand and Co,19th Edn,2010
5)      Hydraulic Engg – Roberson Cassidy & Choudhary , Jaico Publishing House

Duration:3hours                                                                                                                          Max.Marks:100
NOTE : (i) Section I is compulsory
              (ii)Answer  TWO Full questions in each of section-II, Section – III & Section – IV
               (iii)Assume missing data ,if any, suitably.




a)      Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s                                                                           5x1=5
i)        STOKE is the unit of ----------
ii)      Bulk modules is the reciprocal of ------------
iii)    The formula  V = C √mi is called ----------  (with usual notations)
iv)    A pipe of gradually increasing area which is used for discharging water from the exit of a turbine to the tail race is called-----------
v)      Submersible pump is basically --------------
b)      Write a note on siphon                                                                                                               5

a)      Define statics, kinematics and dynamics                                                                                   6
b)      Calculate specific weight, density specific volume and specific gravity of a liquid having a volume of 5m3  and weighing 50kN.  Assume missing data suitably                                                                 4
c)      Define metacentre and metacentric height                                                                                5
a)      Differentiate between steady flow and unsteady flow                                                             4
b)      State and explain Bernoulli’s theorem with equation                                                                4
c)      A horizontal venturimeter with inlet & outlet throat dia 30cm and 20cm respectively is used to measure the flow of water.  The reading of differential manometer connected to the inlet and the throat is 25cm. Determine the rate of flow  Take cd=0.95                                                                                 4
a)      State any FOUR assumptions made in Bernouli’s theorem                                                      4
b)      Explain hydraulic gradient and total energy lines                                                                     5
c)      Compare the discharges of 10cm dia and 20cm dia pipes when loss of head due to friction is same.  Both the pipes have same length & coefficient of friction.                                                                      6

a)      Derive an expression for force of set striking normally on stationary curved plate when the jet strikes the curved plate  at the centre                                                                                                          7
b)      A jet of water of dia 10cm strikes a flat plate normally with a velocity of 20m/s.  The plate is moving with a velocity of 5m/s in the direction of jet and away from the jet . 
i)        The force exerted by jet on the plate
ii)      Work done by the jet per second
iii)    Power of jet
iv)    Efficiency of jet                                                                                                                   8
a)      Explain the construction and working of Pelton wheel with a neat sketch                               8
b)      Explain draft tube with a neat sketch                                                                                        5
c)      Define unit speed                                                                                                                       2
a)      Mention any five differences between Impulse & Reaction turbines                                       5
b)      Explain criteria for selection of hydraulic turbines                                                                    5
c)      Explain the constant – head and constant speed characteristics of hydraulic turbine               5


a)      Describe the construction & working of centrifugal pump                                                       7
b)      Find the power required to drive a centrifugal pump which delivers 0.05m3/s of water to a height of 25cm through a 20cm dia pipe & 100m long.  The overall efficiency of the pump is 75% & coefficient of friction f = 0.1 in the formula hf = 4flv2 / 2gd.                                                                                         8
a)      Mention any five differences between centrifugal and reciprocating pumps                            5
b)      Explain submersible pump with a neat sketch                                                                           5
c)      Explain the principal of working & application of air vessel with a neat sketch                       5
10)   Write short notes on any three of the following
a)      Scope of Hydraulics
b)      Bourdon tube
c)      Anchor Block
d)     Priming
e)      Manometer                                                                                                                        5x3=15

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